viernes, 26 de febrero de 2016

Reseña: Mind Magic (World of the Lupi, #12)

Mind Magic (World of the Lupi, #12)Mind Magic 


Eileen Wilks

404 pages

Published November 3rd 2015 by Berkley Sensation 


ISBN 0425263878 (ISBN13: 9780425263877)
Edition Language English
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

bookshelves: fantasia-urbana, werewolf-hombrelobo-lycans, w_police-detective, magia, hic-sunt-dracones, sorcerer, brownies

A page turner.

'Mindspeak' is related to dragons, so nobody can help Lily when she is having hallucinations after her training with Sam, the black dragon. Thus she takes a health leave from work meanwhile her brain 'adapts' to that.
But , of course, then Sam wants Lily in Ohio. And Rule in Washington with Ruben. Not good.

Murder follow the couple. Conflict between agencies (all the time in the serie), conspiracies and false charges.

And Demi. Strange, but get to know Demi help me to understand better Lily.

(Demi) Most of the time she liked herself the way she was, Asperger’s and all. [...] She’d make a terrible FBI agent. She always thought people were telling the truth. She knew that wasn’t so, but she had no idea how to apply that knowledge to individual people. FBI agents needed to be able to tell when people lied to them. So she’d never be like Lily Yu, not really, except maybe in some ways . . . she was brave sometimes. She hadn’t panicked today. She’d used her lists to get her mind working instead of bumblebee-ing around, and she’d been able to reason her way through.

I'd always find annoying Lily 's adherence to police rules, even above some others more important things. Now I seeing with other eyes (though still as annoying )

Love the interaction of Demi and the wolves , and maybe (spoiler)------> some love interest with Mike ? ('couse he allowed by his side when wounded' <----------------

Btw : The brownies rules!

A couple of things are left the air as the other gifted children, and Cullen's fate.

Tengo una relación singular con la pareja principal de esta historia, nunca ha conseguido caerme bien Lily, y Rule más bien me es indiferente. Mis favoritos siempre han sido Cullen (insertar suspiro) y Nathan. Pero supongo que esto hace que sea más especial que continue leyendo esta serie a pesar de esos cof pequeños inconvenientes.

En todo caso, me gustó mucho esta entrega.

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jueves, 25 de febrero de 2016

Reseña: The Cold Dish (Walt Longmire #1)

The Cold Dish (Walt Longmire, #1)The Cold Dish 


Craig Johnson

354 pages
Published 2012 by Penguin (first published December 29th 2004)

ISBN0143123173 (ISBN13: 9780143123170)
Edition Language English
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

bookshelves: w_sheriff, contemporary-fiction, mystery-murder, mystery-policial,  vi-primero-la-tv-serie, w_soldier-or-ex-military

Un homicio ¿retardado? es el inicio de esta historia con el marco de Wyoming , sus montañas y su historia fuertemente marcada por la batalla de Little Big Horn.

El leit motiv más obvio pareciera ser la venganza (el plato frio) porque el muerto fue participe en una violación grupal hace un par de años atrás de una jovencita india, que además sufre del sindrome alcoholico fetal; asi que por muchos ratos hasta me esperaba algo a lo Fuente Ovejuna, porque todo el mundo es sospechoso/son parientes/tienen el motivo/y los medios.

jueves, 18 de febrero de 2016

Reseña: Hemovore



 Jordan Castillo Price

 183 pages

Published 2009 by Samhain Publishing
Original Title Hemovore
ISBN 1605046345 (ISBN13: 9781605046341)
Edition Language English


bookshelves: m-m, thriller, vampiros, w_painter-artist, alternate-reality

My rating: 3, 5 estrellas de 5.

Después de un inicio bastante árido, la historia me terminó enganchando. Hemovore es una enfermedad altamente contagiosa con una tasa de mortalidad del 85% (si los lazos con el HIV aparecen a montones, y también se menciona); la diferencia es que los escasos sobrevivientos solamente pueden consumir agua, aceite vegetal y sangre.

Reseña: Delenda Est de Poul Anderson

 bookshelves: time-travel, ciencia-ficcion, adventure, short-story

Solamente lei de este volumen DELENDA EST en mi bússqueda de cosas relacionadas con viajes en el tiempo, y cambios que ocasionan. El título viene supuestamente de la frase en latin: Carthago delenda est ("Carthage debe ser destruido") durante la Tercera Guerra Punica.¿Qué pasa si cambias el evento de una batalla en digamos 218 AdC?

-Delenda Est by Poul Anderson Pubicado por primera vez en 1955

-OK. read.(2 stars)

lunes, 15 de febrero de 2016

Reseña: Have Stakes, Will Travel (antologia del mundo de Jane Yellowrock)

Have Stakes, Will Travel (Jane Yellowrock, #4.5)Have Stakes, Will Travel (Jane Yellorock #4,5)


Faith Hunter

143 pages
Published September 4th 2012 by Penguin Group (USA)
ISBN 1101611669 (ISBN13: 9781101611661)
Edition Language English

bookshelves: vampiros, vamp-hunter, fantasia-urbana, witches-wizards, magia, anthology, short-story,  shapeshifters, shifter_puma

My rating: 4,5 ★

Esta es una de mis series favoritas de fantasia urbana, junto con las de Mercy Thompson y de Kate Andrews. Con frecuencia uno se pregunta si vale la pena comprar/leer una antologia, y según mi percepción las historias de aqui ameritan leerse.

We sa and the Lumber King - a snippet in the Hunger Times. Beast and invading Humans. (ok)

Haints - 4,5 stars -(Molly POV) Molly and a Haunted House unreveal a drama, helped by Jane. I like that it shows a bit about Big Evan, and the interaction between Molly and Jane, and the way she see Jane.

Signatures of the Dead - 4 stars -(Molly POV). I confess that I didn't remember more than the aftermath of this (published before in Strange Brew ) , so I really enjoy it. Shows a more human side of Jane, vulnerable.
And make more angry with the Everheart witches for not valued her more after all this.

Cajun with Fangs 4.5 stars -(spoiler)-----> It baffled how the cook put Jane down so fast!<------

 Nice and with a happy ending. The usual put ins scene, vampires vs witches, but all goes in the little details, and the humor.

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sábado, 13 de febrero de 2016

Reseña: Monstress #3 (Novela Gráfica)

Monstress #3Monstress #3 


Marjorie M. Liu

Published January 27th 2016 by Image Comics
Edition Language English

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

bookshelves: graphic-novel, bloody-and-gory, dark-fantasy

Maika still trying to find answers and scape her pursuers (view spoiler)

So short.

Beautiful art.

monstress 003 023bb

(warning: violence and cruelty aplenty)

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viernes, 12 de febrero de 2016

Reseña: Ojos de Fuego

Ojos de fuegoOjos de fuego 


 Stephen King

465 pages
Published 1981 by Pomaire (first published September 980)
Original Title Firestarter
ISBN 8428606269 (ISBN13: 9788428606264)
Edition Language Spanish
 bookshelves: psychic-powers, drama,  psychic-pyrokinesis, psychic-telepathic, vi-primero-la-pelicula
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

(Reading Challenge: 10. Un bestseller del New York Times)

A cautionary tale about not get involved in paid college experiments, no matter how much you need the money.

Si estás en busca de un libro de horror, esto no es lo que buscas. Creo que podria definirse más bien como uno de conspiración gubernamental.

Lo tienen encerrado en una habitación pequeña con una puerta que no puede abrir y una cerradura que no puede forzar. Lo someten a pruebas. Dobla llaves. Cierra puertas. Y según me han dicho, está casi loco.
—Oh… válgame… Dios —musitó Andy débilmente.
—Forma parte del esfuerzo encaminado a preservar la paz, así que no importa que se vuelva loco —añadió Quincey—. Él enloquece para que doscientos veinte millones de norteamericanos podamos vivir seguros y libres. ¿Entiendes?
—Sí —susurró Andy.

(aqui hasta parece haber un guiño sardónico a Ursula K. Le Guin The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas )

miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2016

Reseña: Love Bites (Argeneau #2)

Love Bites (Argeneau #2)Love Bites 


Lynsay Sands

 373 pages 

Published by Love Spell 

 (first published 2004)

0505525534 (ISBN13: 9780505525536)

  bookshelves:  vampiros, paranormal-romance, w_medical-profession, w_computer-game-designer

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

It was a funny, fluffy read until near the middle when became boring for me.

martes, 9 de febrero de 2016

Reseña: Spellsinger (Spellsinger #1)

Spellsinger (Spellsinger, #1)Spellsinger 


Alan Dean Foster

347 pages
first published March 1st 1983 
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

bookshelves: adventure, fantasy, anthropomorphised-animals, magia, parallel-worlds, power_singing, travel-dimensions, aprendiz-de-brujo,  satirical

Narnia meet Ted's Excellent Adventure. Sort of.

I'd make a lousy lawyer, he thought. And if I can't help thinking about power and mastery, well hell, I'm only human.
Maybe if I work real hard, he told himself, I can manage to overcome that.

I think we all know that wise turtles have a unique sense of humor and the concept of a suitable hero.
master oggway by berserk xxx d49x0ab

So, when Clothahump searches the universe between clouds of cof open minded concoctions looking for a powerful magical engineer, Jonathan-Thomas Meriweather -who until then was trying to relax about his thesis smoking pot- ends in a forest in front of a giant otter dressed as Disney's Robin Hood reject ... what a bad trip.

lunes, 8 de febrero de 2016

Reseña: Kicking It (Es una Antologia de UF/PNR)

Kicking It (Alex Craft, #2.5; Chicagoland Vampires, #8.25)Kicking It 


Faith Hunter, Kalayna Price, 


349 pages

Published December 3rd 2013 by Roc Trade 


0451419006 (ISBN13: 9780451419002)
Edition Language

My rating:

2.5 walking stars


Lo lei por Faith Hunter, y sentia curiosidad por R.Caine y Price.

Son 9 historias, y voy a ponerlo asi.

Las mejores historias cortas del volumen

domingo, 7 de febrero de 2016

Reseña: Percy Jackson and the Singer of Apollo

Percy Jackson and the Singer of Apollo (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #5.5)Percy Jackson and the Singer of Apollo 


Rick Riordan

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

bookshelves: myth-and-legends, dioses-y-semidioses, 2016-readings, short-story, greek-mythology, musicians, adventure

Esta historia corta forma parte de una antologia de varios autores Guys Read: Other Worlds.

Es el cumpleaños de Grover, y Apolo viene con una tarea demandante ... relacionada con la música. No digo más porque lo contaria todo.


Why can't you just go?"
"I don't have time, I've got to practice! I've got to write a set list, do sound checks. Besides, that's what you heroes are for."
"Running the gods' errands."
"Exactly!" Apollo spread his hands.

Rápida y entretiene, sin mayores demandas ;)

sábado, 6 de febrero de 2016

Reseña: Music of the Night

Estaba limpiando mi lista de libros para leer, y logré bajar de 677 a 670... wiiii. Y bueno, esto se encontraba alli, y como resultó bastante corto, pues :P

Music Of The Night Music Of The Night 


M.L. Rhodes

m-m, contemporary-fiction, musicians, w_classical-musician, w_exmilitar, insta-lust-or-luv

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Venice. Masks. Loneliness. Lust. And intrigue.

miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2016

Reseña: Fighting Demons (Hunting Monsters, 2)
Esta es la continuación de Hunting Monsters.

Fighting Demons (Hunting Monsters #2)Fighting Demons 


S.L. Huang

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

bookshelves: fantasy, 2016-readings, short-story, demons

 Xiao Hong travels to her mother’s homeland in pursuit of Rosa in the sequel to Hunting Monsters

Family love and Duty are complicated matters, even more with different culture backgrounds.

Me fue dificil seguir la historia entre tanto nombre semejante; en todo caso, senti más simpatia por el chico que por la chica.

Reseña: Hunting Monsters

Hunting Monsters (Hunting Monsters #1)Hunting Monsters 

 by S.L. Huang

ebook, 50 pages
Published October 7th 2014 by Book Smugglers

Bookshelves 2016-readings, fantasy, hexed-cursed, retold-fairytale, short-story

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Beautiful cover

Interesting short tale about a girl , with suggestions to many others fairy tales as (spoiler) --->
Rosaflor y Blancanieve, La Bella y la Bestia, Caperucita Roja, Barba Negra...

A una chica siempre le han enseñado tener precaución al cazar animales, después de todo, ese animal bien pudiera ser un humano que se transforma en animal maldecido por una bruja u otra cosa... pero un día ella descubre algo que puede cambiar como ve a su familia.