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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Paranormal & Ciencia Ficcion. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, 27 de mayo de 2021

Reseña de ARC: No Gods, No Monster by Cadwell Turnbull

No Gods, No Monsters (The Convergence Saga, #1)

No Gods, No Monsters 

by Cadwell Turnbull

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

What do we have around here? Apparently monsters have always lived among us, even organized in secret societies (with all the internal struggles that accompany that), and suddenly everything explodes and comes to light. And that is what some want and others do not. The reason for that precise moment we do not know.

martes, 25 de agosto de 2020

Reseña de ARC: Olive (Olive #1)

 +Digital ARC gently provided by Netgalley and publishers in exchange for an honest review+
{ English | Castellano}



Vero Cazot

Lucy Mazel (Illustrator) 

56 pages
Published July 15th 2020 by Europe Comics (first published March 6th 2020)
Original Title: Une lune bleue dans la tête
ISBN13: 9791032810880

My rating: 3.5 dreamscape stars

A oneiric journey through the mind and imagination of a 17-year-old girl. And when we speak here of "inner world"- it is something literal.


viernes, 12 de febrero de 2016

Reseña: Ojos de Fuego

Ojos de fuegoOjos de fuego 


 Stephen King

465 pages
Published 1981 by Pomaire (first published September 980)
Original Title Firestarter
ISBN 8428606269 (ISBN13: 9788428606264)
Edition Language Spanish
 bookshelves: psychic-powers, drama,  psychic-pyrokinesis, psychic-telepathic, vi-primero-la-pelicula
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

(Reading Challenge: 10. Un bestseller del New York Times)

A cautionary tale about not get involved in paid college experiments, no matter how much you need the money.

Si estás en busca de un libro de horror, esto no es lo que buscas. Creo que podria definirse más bien como uno de conspiración gubernamental.

Lo tienen encerrado en una habitación pequeña con una puerta que no puede abrir y una cerradura que no puede forzar. Lo someten a pruebas. Dobla llaves. Cierra puertas. Y según me han dicho, está casi loco.
—Oh… válgame… Dios —musitó Andy débilmente.
—Forma parte del esfuerzo encaminado a preservar la paz, así que no importa que se vuelva loco —añadió Quincey—. Él enloquece para que doscientos veinte millones de norteamericanos podamos vivir seguros y libres. ¿Entiendes?
—Sí —susurró Andy.

(aqui hasta parece haber un guiño sardónico a Ursula K. Le Guin The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas )

domingo, 17 de enero de 2016

Rseña : Touched by Alien (Kitty Katt #1)

Touched by an Alien (Katherine Touched by an Alien 


Gini Koch

Published: 2010
389 pgs.

my rating: 2,5 slimy parasites stars

Kitty Katt our average MarySue woman just exited a building when a man suffer a nasty transformation , sprout deadly wings and starting killing people. As everybody normal reaction will be (not) she jump on the guy and kill a slimy blob on him. Well, welcome to Men in Black Meet True Lies Meet Get Smart.. Then , of course, some really georgeous men dressed in Armany arrive to control the situation, and Jeff Martini (and can't you take srly a name like that!) is insta-smitten with Kitty.

lunes, 3 de agosto de 2015

Reseña:Pilgrimage: The Book of the People

Pilgrimage: The Book of the People (The People)Pilgrimage: The Book of the People
Zenna Henderson

255 pages
Año 1a edición: 1961

Blurb These are the People.
Marooned on this planet by the crash of their interstellar vehicle in the distant past, The People are never free of a sense of strangeness in this world and a yearning for the home they have half-forgotten.

These are the chronicles of their arrival on this world, their estrangement from it, and their ultimate acceptance of their poignant exile.

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

“There aren’t any endings,” the Francher kid said. “Only new beginnings. When you going to get started?”

Lea está a punto de tirarse por un puente cuando es rescatada por Karen, quien casi a empujones y sin dejarle salida la lleva con ella a una reunión-conferencia-congreso donde empiezan a contar sus experiencias y revelan que son The People.