domingo, 15 de septiembre de 2019

Reseña: Please Don't Tell My Parents I'm a Supervillain (Please Don't Tell My Parents #1)

 +Reto Popsugar #37. Un libro acerca de alguien con superpoderes+

Please Don't Tell My Parents I'm a Supervillain (Please Don't Tell My Parents #1)


Richard Roberts


 376 pages
Published February 15th 2014 by Curiosity Quills Press 
ISBN: 162007463X (ISBN13: 9781620074633)
Edition Language: English 
BLURB: Penelope Akk wants to be a superhero. She's got superhero parents. She's got the ultimate mad science power, filling her life with crazy gadgets even she doesn't understand. She has two super powered best friends. In middle school, the line between good and evil looks clear.
In real life, nothing is that clear. All it takes is one hero's sidekick picking a fight, and Penny and her friends are labeled supervillains. In the process, Penny learns a hard lesson about villainy: She's good at it. Criminal masterminds, heroes in power armor, bottles of dragon blood, alien war drones, shape shifters and ghosts, no matter what the super powered world throws at her, Penny and her friends come out on top. They have to. If she can keep winning, maybe she can clear her name before her mom and dad find out.

My rating: 3.7 mad-scientist stars

En esta versión alternativa de Los Angeles, muy al estilo del universo Avengers y Los Increibles, hay superheroes y villanos, y acaban de pasar por una guerra con los aliens. Penelope Akk es una chica normal de 13 años, un poco nerd ,  cuyos padres son dos superheroes en retiro. Papá es Cerebro Akk y mamá es Auditor. Con esos padres, ella espera tener una habilidad científica-matemática como ellos, pero con lo que no contaba es que ella en realidad es una ..¡científica loca! Porque todos saben que los cientificos locos son todos villanos, ¿verdad? errr.