domingo, 17 de mayo de 2015

Reseña: Sonny Preyer: A Fairy Tale of a Different Kind #1

 Sonny Preyer: A Fairy Tale of a Different Kind #1
306 pages
(first published January 1st 2006)

Sonny Preyer is an Illumenae; a person whose DNA is encoded with the ability to renew and sustain all life connected to him. At eighteen, he does not want that responsibility. With it, comes a body of unusual gender, unlike any among his peers. With it, comes seven nations looking to him to keep them safe. And with it, comes the knowledge that he is hunted by human and inhuman seekers of power, each demanding the one thing he fears to give to anyone. His body. Doing so, has already killed him once.
This is the first of three volumes.

I’m lost and no one will ever find me here. He wasn’t thinking about Oden, or the castle. He was thinking that he was simply misplaced in the furthest reaches of God’s mind.
This is really the first part of a 3 part story. I can't believe this book took all this time to read it, but Sonny full me with anguish for the character.

Sonny is a 17 almost 18 y.o. with a big secret, and that, plus a delicate health, push him into ostracism. And if he thought that sucks, well, he has not started yet.

You know that old thriller movies, and weird stuff happening and the protagonist feeling that he is losing his mind? And there are weird kind of religious-sect people that speak crazy things? Well, Sonny wake up in a strange world where everybody knows him and reverence him.

And all he wants is to return home.

A pesar de las referencias a Oz, claramente Sonny es más Alicia perdida en un demencial mundo de espejos, donde no puede creer en nadie, donde duda todo el tiempo si es una pesadilla o está en coma , se ha vuelto loco y tiene alucinaciones, o todo es una tremenda conspiración en su contra...
“The light they believe is sustaining their lands and their way of life, called the Light of Anora, is also called Illumenae. It means embodied light and creation. It means that every one hundred and fifty years, if they honor the light, it will walk among them and bless them, renewing their world for another one hundred and fifty years. It sounds like colorful folklore, but they take this very seriously.”

Si, todo el mundo quiere lo mejor para Sonny, perdón ellos lo llaman Sy, una especie de mesias resucitado -literalmente- y que aparece cada 150 años.

<spoiler>La verdad que esto a mi me huele a que nadie le dice la verdad a este joven confundido y enfermo, y que las intenciones no son tan buenas como dicen. Algo me habla de que va a querer sacrificarlo. Y ese tipo, el doctor, es un manipulador más insidioso que Dumbledore y hasta más siniestro. Es como Harry Potter pero más oscuro aún.
No sé que les da el derecho a manipular todo esto, y a manejar su vida, y darle drogas , tratando de lavarle el cerebro o como dicen que ejem 'le regrese la memoria'. Y que se olvide que antes o siempre ha sido humano.</spoiler>

I don't like or trust the Doctor/Varce, nor Eldon.
Raeden I understand. Very interesting the jump between realities.

And very much like to know what follow next.

*Copy provided by the author in exchange of a honest review.*

2 comentarios:

  1. ¡Mitticus! No sabía que andabas por blogger (Soy Dani en Goodreads)

    Me quedo por tu blog. Me resulta llamativo las referencias a Oz y a Alicia que mencionás.


  2. Holaa, ya paso por tu blog.
    saludos :)
