miércoles, 9 de enero de 2019

Reseña: Fandom for Robots

Fandom for Robots
Vina Jie-Min Prasad

 7 pages
Published September 2017 by Uncanny
Edition Language: English

Literary Awards:
Hugo Award Nominee for Best Short Story (2018)
TEASER: Computron feels no emotion towards the animated television show titled Hyperdimension Warp Record (超次元 ワープ レコード). After all, Computron does not have any emotion circuits installed, and is thus constitutionally incapable of experiencing “excitement,” “hatred,” or “frustration.” It is completely impossible for Computron to experience emotions such as “excitement about the seventh episode of HyperWarp,” “hatred of the anime’s short episode length” or “frustration that Friday is so far away.”

My rating: 2.5 robotics stars

A sentient robot is the protagonist of this short-short story about a solitary existence as an obsolete object in a museum whose non-existence sees a change for an iniquitous question of a girl about an anime series. From there, the fandom consumes it.

During the wait for episode eight, Computron discovers a concept called “fanfiction.”

I think that many fanfiction fans will be very recognized in some lines and will start more than some smile. However, the idea, despite being charming and ingenous, does not manage to catch me in a revealing way, maybe because the metafandom is something very seen in my case.


Computron es un robot creado en los 50s cuya única ocupacion es responder emails de niños de primaria y contestar 4 cortas preguntas pre-establecidas en el museo The Simak Robotics Museum. Una de esas preguntas acerca de una serie anime donde un personaje se asemeja a este, le lleva a investigar el asunto. Cuando queda esperando la proxima temporada de la serie descubre esa cosa llamada ¡'fanfiction' ! y además es ¡fanfiction slash! jaja. Bueno es una idea simpática y entretenida con los que los adeptos al fandom y fanfiction se identificarán , pero a pesar de ello no alcanza un nivel de genialidad que me lleve a asombrarme.

Queda la idea sí, del aislamiento y la soledad del personaje, y la parte más conmovedora es cuando realiza la investigación en el museo para ayudar a la chica dibujante. Eso convendria explorar.

here: https://uncannymagazine.com/article/f...

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