Last Bastion (FFO #2)
Rachel Aaron and Travis Bach
563 pages
April 30th 2019
by Aaron/Bach
ASIN: B07Q24W76N
Edition Language: English
Series: Forever Fantasy Online #2
BLURB: Bastion was supposed to mean safety. It was supposed to mean a break from fighting for their lives and a chance to talk to someone who might actually know what’s going on. Access to their gold and some beer would have been nice, too.
They got none of those things. When Tina and James arrive in the capital, they find a city on fire in more ways than one. Players and non-players hunt each other in the streets, while the king who controls the city’s all-powerful artifact cowers from the chaos in his castle. Desperate to warn somebody about the Once King’s coming invasion, James wants to try to talk to the king anyway, while Tina just wants to meet the royal portal keepers who might be able to send them home.
My rating: 3.5 stars
La dupla matrimonial constituida por Aaron y Bach ha producido un libro entretenido, algo sangriento con sus batallas , donde trabajan con el trope de los jugadores de un juego virtual de rol en linea atrapados dentro de ese mundo. Es una fantasia de portales , además de un poco de ciencia ficcion mezclada por la tecnologia. Jugadores y No-jugadores se encuentran en un mundo donde aun hay cosas del juego y nuevas cuestiones.
Este libro empieza inmediatamente donde nos ha dejado el primer libro, con el reencuentro de los hermanos Tina y James llegando hasta Bastion, donde habita el rey.