by Pierre-Henry Gomont
Edward Gauvin (Traductor)
SINOPSIS: Certain details surrounding the death of Albert Einstein are so outlandish as to sound like urban legend: namely, the theft of his brain by Thomas Stoltz Harvey, the pathologist who performed the eminent physicist’s autopsy. From these historical events, Pierre-Henry Gomont concocts a picaresque road trip of a tale by turns farcical and moving, whimsical and melancholy, sweeping up in its narrative whirlwind the FBI, a sanatorium, neurobiology, hallucinogens, hospital bureaucracy, and romance. In his dissection of friendship and the forging of scientific reputation, the nimble cartoonist serves up a slice of lovingly rendered Americana for the ages.
My rating: 2.5 of 5 stars
Basado en la increible historia verídica del robo del cerebro de Einstein por quien realizó su autopsia, viene esta historia con ese absurdo gálico que conocemos por algunas cintas y otro poco de fantasía. Sin embargo, el personaje principal no consigue ganarse mi simpatía (y menos aun el verdadero doctor en que se inspira: Thomas Stoltz Harvey).