domingo, 28 de febrero de 2021

Reseña de ARC: Brain Drain, Part 1 by Pierre-Henry Gomont

Reseña en Castellano / Review in English


Brain Drain, Part 1 

by Pierre-Henry Gomont


82 pages
Published September 2020 by Europe Comics (first published 2020)
Original Title: La fuite de cerveau
ISBN13: 9791032811641
Edition Language: English

SINOPSIS: Certain details surrounding the death of Albert Einstein are so outlandish as to sound like urban legend: namely, the theft of his brain by Thomas Stoltz Harvey, the pathologist who performed the eminent physicist’s autopsy. From these historical events, Pierre-Henry Gomont concocts a picaresque road trip of a tale by turns farcical and moving, whimsical and melancholy, sweeping up in its narrative whirlwind the FBI, a sanatorium, neurobiology, hallucinogens, hospital bureaucracy, and romance. In his dissection of friendship and the forging of scientific reputation, the nimble cartoonist serves up a slice of lovingly rendered Americana for the ages.

My rating: 2.5 of 5 stars

Basado en la increible historia verídica del robo del cerebro de Einstein por quien realizó su autopsia, viene esta historia con ese absurdo gálico que conocemos por algunas cintas y otro poco de fantasía. Sin embargo, el personaje principal no consigue ganarse mi simpatía (y menos aun el verdadero doctor en que se inspira: Thomas Stoltz Harvey).

domingo, 21 de febrero de 2021

Reseña de ARC: Her Turn by Allison Jones

Her Turn 


Allison Jones

 288 pages
Published January 21st 2021 by BooksGoSocial
ISBN: 139781647042622
Edition Language: English 
SINOPSIS: Addie Snyder's first novel is becoming an overnight sensation. Unprepared for being thrusted in the limelight, she is desperate to shelter her brother, Owen, who has Down syndrome. After her father abandoned them when Owen was just a baby, she is his sole guardian after her mother passed away. She must protect him from the harsh world, but how can she do that with public events coming up? An unlikely ally in her cold and emotionless publicist, Jameson Ford. As a former Navy Seal, Jameson has his own demons, but there is something about Addie that defrosts his icy wall. Together, they navigate the twists and turns as her book becomes a world-wide phenomenon.

My rating: 1.5 stars

Good idea, bad development.

I don't know what to say, other than to agree with a good part of the reviews of this book. A pity, because I wanted to like the book, especially for the addition of a brother with Down Syndrome, which is not something very common that appears. I think no one could even come close to the fantastic tv series "Life Goes On".

jueves, 18 de febrero de 2021

Reseña de ARC: Haru's Curse by Asuka Konishi


+Digital ARC gently provided by Netgalley and publishers in exchange for an honest review+ 

{Reseña en Castellano / Review in English}


Haru's Curse

 by Asuka Konishi

 Traduccion:  Hannah Airriess
360 pages
Published February 16th 2021 by Kodansha Comics (first published 2016)
Original Title: 春の呪い 
Edition Language: English
Series: Haru no Noroi #1-2 
 SYNOPSIS: After Natsumi's younger sister and best friend Haru dies at the age of 19, she begins dating Haru's fiancee Togo - on the condition that he take her only to places he had taken her sister. Their relationship deepens as the seasons pass, but Haru's curse lies between them...
Will there be happiness after Haru's curse is broken?

"Haru's Curse" habla sobre el dolor -y la culpa- tras la partida de un ser querido.

El manga comienza con el funeral de Haru, víctima de cáncer. Su hermana mayor, Natsumi, la adoraba y la consideraba su única familia, a pesar de vivir con su padre, su madrastra y un hermano menor.

Haru estaba comprometida con Togo y, aunque se trata de un matrimonio concertado, parece haber sentido algo por el joven, aunque pronto nos damos cuenta de que Togo no. Simplemente sigue el camino que le ha sido determinado según su legado familiar y su madre.

domingo, 14 de febrero de 2021

Reseña de ARC: White All Around by Wilfrid Lupano

 +Digital ARC gently provided by Netgalley and publishers in exchange for an honest review+

Review in English / Reseña en Castellano

White All Around 


Wilfrid Lupano

SINOPSIS: Canterbury, Connecticut, 1832: a charming female boarding school has found success among the locals, with two dozen girls enrolled. Some in town question the purpose of educating young girls—but surely there’s no harm in trying? At least not until the Prudence Crandall School announces its plans to start accepting black students. Thirty years before the abolition of slavery in the United States, in the so-called “free” North, these students will be met by a wave of hostility that puts the future of the school in question, and their very lives in peril. Even in the land of the free, not all of America’s children are welcome.


My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Such amazing people and history ; such floundering put story.

The grace of graphic novels is that it is a way of spreading stories in a simple way, sometimes on topics as important as this, so, on that side, it serves its purpose by highlighting the school for black girls created in 1832 in Connecticut. Not to mention that it could be said that it was the first integration of a black student in a school for white girls. But the canvas here falls short to demonstrate the courage and importance of the people who lived it. For the short time that could be.

jueves, 4 de febrero de 2021

Reseña: Neandertal de Emanuel Rodier



Emmanuel Roudier

168 pages
Published July 2012 by Norma Editorial (first published 2007)
ISBN: 8467908602 (ISBN13: 9788467908602)

 Sinopsis: Laghu es el artesano de la tribu de los Torsos Rojos, que habitó una caverna europea hace más de 50.000 años. Su habilidad para fabricar armas es portentosa, pero camina con dificultad, lo que lo convierte en objeto de burlas y menosprecio por parte de los cazadores de al tribu. Sin embargo, cuando el mítico bisonte Barbalarga causa la muerte de su padre y de su hermano, Laghu jura vengarse.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

¿Recuerdan "La Guerra del Fuego"? (y si no la han visto, busquen un dvd) Pues esta novela gráfica va por ahi, trata de una banda de Neardenthals de la tribu del Oso (sí, como Auel ;)), de los Torsos Rojos, donde en la cacería el jefe es herido de muerte por un bisonte inmenso al que llaman Barba Larga y pide a sus hijos que lo venguen. Laghu es el menor de los 5 hijos, es cojo, pero es un hábil artesano que fabrica armas y herramientas (me acordé aqui de Nooun el cojo del Tunga de Édouard Aidans), pero sus hermanos lo desprecian .