sábado, 10 de agosto de 2019

Reseña de ARC; Hammerfall 1 - While the Serpent Sleeps

 +Digital ARC gently provided by Netgalley and publishers in exchange for an honest review+

Hammerfall - While the Serpent Sleeps (Hammerfall, #1)


Sylvain Runberg

Boris Talijanjic (Art)

 56 pages
Published July 17th 2019 by Europe Comics (first published 2007)
Original Title: La peine du serpent
Edition Language: English
Series: Hammerfall #1 
BLURB: In 8th-century Europe, a clash of cultures and religions inevitably leads to a clash of swords. This harsh, changing world suits Björn the Beautiful, who has a single passion: violence. His bloodlust led to his exile from his native land, and it's his bloodlust that brings him back. For Harald, it's the season of Jul and he's about to marry the gorgeous Lina. The festivities are interrupted by the arrival of Björn and his troops. With his people either slaughtered or enslaved, Harald begins a forced march with the other survivors.

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The theft of a Christian relic begins a struggle between different factions of Scandinavian warriors in the 8th century, where personal ambitions and revenge set a period of time where violence was a daily affair.

It reminds me of those old Viking movies that were once seen on TV. Raids, violence, some mentions of religion clash.


Björn is an exiled warrior who arrives with a mixed contingent taking advantage of a wedding to take revenge. The bride, Lina, stand out, is not intimidated and fight back. This is just the introduction of the journey during Jul (winter time). There is a glossary for some words and context.

Nice adventure and cool classic comic drawing.


Un comic de  clásica aventura de vikingos en el 798 , durante la boda de Harald y Lina, Bjorn el Hermoso asalta la fiesta con un conglomerado de guerreros francos y sajones en venganza por su exilio por incumplir las leyes de la comunidad. Se lleva a los sobrevivientes como esclavos en una marcha invernal, aun con destino desconocido. Con ellos va un sacerdote cristiano y aunque les amonesta por su excesiva crueldad van supuestamente por orden de algun reino cristiano buscando recuperar una reliquia perdida.

Entretenido, aunque este es el primer tomo y estor ecien comienza.

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