viernes, 21 de junio de 2019

Reseña: My Brother's Husband, Volume 1

My Brother's Husband, Volume 1 


Gengoroh Tagame

352 pages
Published May 2nd 2017 by Pantheon Books (first published May 25th 2015)
Original Title: 弟の夫 #1-2
ISBN: 1101871512 (ISBN13: 9781101871515)
Edition Language: English 
BLURB:  Yaichi is a work-at-home suburban dad in contemporary Tokyo; formerly married to Natsuki, father to their young daughter, Kana. Their lives suddenly change with the arrival at their doorstep of a hulking, affable Canadian named Mike Flanagan, who declares himself the widower of Yaichi's estranged gay twin, Ryoji. Mike is on a quest to explore Ryoji's past, and the family reluctantly but dutifully takes him in. What follows is an unprecedented and heartbreaking look at the state of a largely still-closeted Japanese gay culture: how it's been affected by the West, and how the next generation can change the preconceptions about it and prejudices against it.

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Un viudo acongojado. Un hermano en conflicto. Una niña inocente y alegre.

Yaishi es un padre soltero que cria a su hija Kana quedandose en casa. Su hermano gemelo murio en Canadá hace poco, y su esposo canadiense, Mike quien es un enorme hombre tipo oso, llega a su hogar persiguiendo memorias de su esposo y buscando probablemente una conclusión.

El esposo de mi hermano es el titulo de un manga Otōto no Otto que esta hecho para que la gente piense y reflexione acerca de la presencia homosexual en nuestras familias y sociedades. Este esta hecho para Japón, pero vale para otras partes.

Tropecé con el manga cuando yendo de blog en blog di con la serie japonesa o real-live action . La cual por cierto recomiendo.

La presencia de Mike Flanagan obliga a Yaishi a confrontar sus propios recuerdos e ideas sobre su hermano, quien le confeso ser gay cuando adolescente y se da cuenta que esto creo un abismo entre ellos que aumento cuando este se fue a Canada, donde nunca fue a verlo ni a su matrimonio ni a su funeral. Con muchas pequeñas cosas cotidianas, empezando con el hecho que encuentra a Mike Flanagan chocante al inicio y como la sociedad japonesa es tan cerrada que no se puede aceptar abiertamente ser homosexual , y como por los ojos y preguntas de Kana ve como el resto de los vecinos y padres ven la presencia de su cuñado en su familia y se ve obligado a enfrentar sus propios prejuicios.

Por ratos enternecedora, otras divertida. Una historia agridulce acerca de la familia.

Me falta por leer el volumen 4.

Review original en ingles:

A grieving husband, a conflicted brother , a cheerful inocent girl.

Yaishi is a divorced single dad-at-home with a daughter, Kana. His twin brother died in Canada a month ago, and his husband, a huge bear-like gay Canadian husband, appears at his door searching a closure for memories and a promise.

I stumbled into this manga after, again , stumbled into de live-action miniseries of My Brother's Husband (very acurated btw).

In very clear lines and neat expressions this work intend to show , some moments before the eyes of young Kana and more others before the eyes of a average japonese hetero man , how homosexuals are people too. Yeah, I know.

Yaishi is the typical, oh my brother is gay... ok. But he distanced of Ryouji, whom after high school emigrated to Canada and later married without further communication between brothers. This quietly disaproving is confronted when the gay brother-in-law start to answer questions from Kana, about marriage and other things, then Yaishi slowly start to voice his inner concerns and confront his own prejudices. That is great.

It shows too, how is frown upon the presence of Mike in the neighborhood, when parents and teachers dissaprove for ' bad influence'. And of course the 'in the closet' tension of some characters.

Heartbreaking for moments, funny in others. Very sweet, and an open-eye.

I read until volume 3, still waiting for the 4.

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