domingo, 5 de julio de 2020

Reseña de relato corto: The Best We Can

The Best We Can 



Carrie Vaughn

32 pages
Published July 17th 2013 by Tor Books
ISBN:  1466850442 (ISBN13: 9781466850446)
Edition Language: English

My rating: 2.5 let-it-flow stars

Out of the thousands of asteroids we tracked and photographed, this one caught my eye, because it was symmetrical and had a higher than normal albedo. It flashed, even, like a mirror. Asteroids aren’t symmetrical and aren’t very reflective. But if it wasn’t an asteroid . . . .
Relato corto y bastante realista de una astronomo cuando descubre un objeto de origen no-terrestre en el espacio. Bueno, ciertamente no pasa como en una pelicula de Hollywood.

Primero debaten de cuando anunciarlo, y a quien le corresponde, las empresas que deben ser auspiciadoras, y ¿en serio vale la pena hacer algo cuando el objeto (sin todavia saber lo que es) esta por años solamente ahi?

La escritura es algo seca, y la protagonista pasa por etapas de frustracion intentando forzar a que pase algo, entre la curiosidad , posesividad, y la sensacion de que por fin ha logrado algo sin lograr concretarlo hasta el final.


Short and fairly realistic account of an astronomer when she discovers an object of non-terrestrial origin in space. Well, it certainly doesn't happen like in a Hollywood movie.

First they discuss when to announce it, and to whom it corresponds, the companies that must be sponsors, and is it really worth doing something when the object (without knowing what it is) is only there for years?

The writing is somewhat dry, and the protagonist goes through stages of frustration trying to force something to happen, between curiosity, possessiveness, and the feeling that she has finally achieved something without being able to achieve it until the end.

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