sábado, 1 de mayo de 2021

Reseña de ARC: The Underfoot Vol. 1: The Mighty Deep

The Underfoot Vol. 1: The Mighty Deep 


Ben Fisher, Emily S. Whitten,

Michelle Nguyen

160 pages
Published April 23rd 2019 by Oni Press
ISBN: 1549302892 (ISBN13: 9781549302893)
Series: The Underfoot

Sinopsis:  It has been untold years since the Giants-That-Were disappeared, leaving behind the animals forever changed by their strange science. Now, granted the gifts of intelligence and self-awareness, the valiant Hamster Aquatic Mercenaries struggle to keep their horde alive in the dangerous new world.

My rating: 3.5 stars

¡Amigo, hámsters guerreros!

En un mundo postapocalíptico, hámsteres modificados genéticamente viven en un recinto esperando el regreso de los Gigantes. Son los H.A.M. ( Hamsters Acuáticos Mercenarios). Son de varios tipos físicos, de diferentes razas. (El autor afirma tener  hámsters y haberse basado en ellos para su cómic)

Durante años sus crías se han estado entrenando para formar parte de una especie de comandos acuáticos de élite, que realizan misiones para sus vecinos, pero no por dinero ni especies, sino que el líder va acumulando "favores" para cuando llegue el momento. ¿A marcharse ?, ¿del regreso de los gigantes? no lo sabemos. Aún.

Entonces, cuando los tejones les piden ayuda contra los castores, deciden ir con los mejores reclutas. (Y me da la impresión de que han tenido problemas para tener crías con poderes especialmente) Es entonces cuando nos enteramos de que su guarida tiene un problema con su existencia, y que hay otros animales inteligentes (aves y reptiles) que son sus adversarios, con un objetivo desconocido.

Aquí tenemos los tropos habituales de las ficciones postapocalípticas donde la vida pasada se ha convertido en mito y las pocas cosas que sobreviven se han convertido en reliquias, donde creen que son los únicos poseedores de su verdad.

No me ha encantado del todo el dibujo, así que eso quitó puntos. Sin embargo, los colores son profundos y vibrantes.

El volumen termina cuando se encuentran con otro grupo de hámsters, desconocido para ellos, y la aventura continúa.


Dude, warrior hamsters!

In a post-apocalyptic world, genetically modified hamsters live in a compound awaiting the return of the Giants. They are the H.A.M. - Hamster Acuatic Mercenaries. They are of various physical types, of different races. (The author claims to have hamsters and to have been based on them for his comic)


For years their youngsters have been training to be part of a kind of elite aquatic commandos, who carry out missions for their neighbors, but not for money or species, but the leader is accumulating "favors" for when the time is appropriate. To leaving ?, of the return of the giants? we don't know. Yet.

So when badgers ask them for help against beavers, they decide to go with the best recruits. (And it gives me the impression that they have had a problem having offspring with powers especially) It is then that we learn that their den has a problem with its existence, and that there are other intelligent animals (birds, and reptiles) that are their adversaries, with an unknown objective.

Here we have the usual tropes of post apocalyptic fictions where the past life has become myth, and the few surviving things have become relics, where they believe they are the only possessors of its truth.

I'm not entirely thrilled with the drawing, so that took away points. However, the colors are deep and vibrant.


The volume ends when they meet another group of hamsters, unknown to them, and the adventure continues.

+My thanks to Netgalley and publishers for the eARC+


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