sábado, 20 de abril de 2019

Reseña: Running the Snale (relato corto)



Kage Baker

 Publicada en: Clarkesworld Magazine, Issue 128
May 1st 2017 by Wyrm Publishing 

My Rating: 3.5 politeistas stars

La fallecida Kage Barker en este historia corta trata acerca de un embacucador: Will Shaxpur que toma ventaja de todo esto de los numerosos templos que se levantan en un Londres con una reina pagana que es la imagen de Boudicea con sus druidas, y hay una tolerancia por gran numero de deidades.

Inventar una religion en ese entonces era más fácil. Que se te muera un feligres de sangre noble seguida siendo igual de complicado y mortal en ese entonces.

Es entretenida en su forma de relatar un pequeño misterio-intriga.

A Historical Fiction in a polytheism ancient London where some con-men want to amde profit into the worshippers business and maybe a new god . A mystery complicates the thing. Is entertaining.

He had been working Temple Street, minding the horses of wealthy worshippers. Will found that a smile and a bow as he handed back the reins might earn him a thrown copper. However, a smile, a bow, and an apt quotation from Homer—or Catullus, or the Mahabharata, or the Avesta, depending on the place from which the patron had emigrated—got him silver at least, and the patrons remembered him. Now and again patrons gathered around and challenged him to other tricks of memory, and of course he could recite as much as they wanted of anything he knew.

Se puede leer online en ingles aqui:

Clarkesworld Magazine, Issue 128 (Clarkesworld Magazine, #128)

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