sábado, 20 de abril de 2019

Reseña: We Who Live in the Heart (relato corto)



Kelly Robson.

2018 Finalist: Theodore A. Sturgeon Memorial Award.

Publicada por: Clarkesworld Magazine, Issue 128 
Mayo 1, 2017

My rating: 4 stars

Un relato corto donde en una era post-cataclismo y lejos de la Tierra, la gente vive bajo tierra, pero todos no estan conformes y asi los rebeldes investigadores y cientificos y aventureros descubren que pueden vivir en forma parasitaria dentro de unas criaturas que son unas especies de balones aereos vivientes. La forma en que esta planteada es original en caunto a la organizacion de la sociedad distopica y en formas recuerda a su reciente obra "Gods, Monsters, and the Lucky Peach", Pero eso de criaturas que deben soportar humanos excavanadole dentro? brrr, me recuerda a la pobre Moya, y porque no me gusta el steampunk de otras novelas con sus criaturas vivas que son manipuladas para servir de naves.

Igual, muy interesante. Debates morales y sociales.

Far from Earth , people live underground, but some of them wanted to live among the clouds and so they colonized creatures full of helio who drift in the atmosphere. (a tulip with a huge bladder, says Doc). The idea is very imaginative about this kind of living. The story is about the crew of 8 people living in 'Mama' when they receive a new recruit.

Only a mole would think we’d be bored out here. We have to take care of every necessity of life personally—nobody’s going to do it for us. Tapping water is one example. Equipment testing and maintenance is another. Someone has to manage the hygiene and maintenance bots. And we all share responsibility for health and safety. Making sure we can breathe is high on everyone’s our priority list, so we don’t leave it up to chance. Finally, there’s atmospheric and geographical data gathering. Mama’s got to pay the bills. We’re a sovereign sociopolitical entity, population: eight, and we negotiate our own service contracts for everything.
But other that, sure, we have all the free time in the world. Otherwise what’s the point?

There are some concepts in this novella that reminds of her Gods, Monsters, and the Lucky Peach with the overpopulated underground , the creches, the constrictions, and the LGBT background too.

It's about the need for freedom, or independence or what are able to have for themselves. There are bio-pseudo-explanations and stuff. Then a crisis. And a cringing ending.

Worth reading.

oh, I forgot to put that I feel very bad for the poor creatures (view spoiler)

Lo puedes leer online aqui en ingles:

Clarkesworld Magazine, Issue 128

Clarkesworld Magazine, Issue 128 (Clarkesworld Magazine, #128)

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